National eResearch Forums

AeRO’s series of National eResearch Forums provides an excellent opportunity to discuss issues facing the sector.

The forums aim to engage national, state and institutional eResearch organisations, service provider and industry representatives as well as state and federal science agencies and have proven to be an excellent stimulus for discussion and collaboration and aim to identify key strategic initiatives.

To better engage the eResearch sector, forums are conducted in different locations:

14th National Forum – Melbourne – 26th  July 2024 – “Learn about innovative data solutions at the AeRO Forum 2024” to be held at CAUDIT Communities Conference, Latrobe University. See the Agenda here

13th National Forum – Sydney – 21st  February 2024 – “Road Testing a Research Data Reference Architecture” to be held at Supercomputing Asia

12th National Forum – Sydney –  13th June 2023 – “eResearch and Artificial Intelligence”

11th National Forum  – Virtual –  14th September 2021 – “Minding the Gaps”

10th National Forum – Sydney – 31st July 2019 – “eResearch Challenges, Blockers and Planning for Success”

9th National Forum – Canberra – 14 March 2018 – “The NRDC Grand Challenge”

8th National Forum – Canberra – 4 May 2017 –  “Thriving in a data-driven research world”

7th National Forum – Canberra – 16 March 2016 – “Towards Australia’s eResearch 2025”

6th National Forum – Canberra – 22 July 2015 – “Coordination and Sustainability in National eResearch”

5th National Forum – Perth – 26 Jul 2013

4th National Forum Adelaide – 15 Mar 2013

3rd National Forum – Melbourne – 28 Oct 2012

2nd National Forum- Melbourne 18 June 2012

1st National Forum – Sydney – 20 Feb 2012