February 2020 National eResearch Newsletter

Welcome to the February 2020 National eResearch Newsletter

Message from the Editor

With two important events for the sector coming up next month, I’m sure you don’t need reminding about C3DIS (16-20 March) or RDA Plenary (18-20 March), but more information and links, etc are included in the items below.

Even though I have retired from my P/T post in the eResearch team at AARNet, I am still very much interested in following and contributing to the eResearch sector in Australia, and will continue on as Editor of this Newsletter for the foreseeable future, and look forward to continued interaction with many of you. This is a great community to be a part of, and it’s not just my opinion – see the Australia Day Honourees – congratulations Geoff and John!

Alex Reid, Honorary Newsletter Editor.

Australia Day Honours

We are delighted to report that two of our number have been recognised in the recent Australia Day honours list, as follows:.

Geoff Huston, Member (AM) in the General Division:  For significant service to science, and through pioneering roles with the internet.
Network Technical Manager, AARNet, 1989-2005;  Chief Internet Scientist, Telstra, 1995-2004;  Chief Scientist, Asia Pacific Network Information Centre, since 2004.
Biographical information:  https://www.gg.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-01/ad2020_media_notes_-_am_a-l.pdf.

Emeritus Professor John O’Callaghan, Member (AM) in the General Division:  For significant service to information technology, and to education.
Chief, CSIRO Division of Information Technology, 1988-1996;  Inaugural Executive  Director,  Australian  Partnership  for  Advanced  Computing (APAC), 1999-2007.
Biographical information:  https://www.gg.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-01/ad2020_media_notes_-_am_m-z.pdf

Geospatial Capabilities Community of Practice: 20-Feb

Thu 20 Feb, 12:00 – 13:00 AEDT
Join in with the community of people who work with geospatial data and make it available for broader use.  The group is intended as a forum for sharing knowledge and experiences with finding, accessing, transforming, using and making available geospatial data.

More information and registration at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/geospatial-capabilities-community-of-practice-third-meeting-tickets-86060490243.

Open Data Day – Register Your Event – Mini-Grants Available:  7-Mar

Open Data Day is a global annual celebration of open data, held this year on Saturday, 7-March.  For the tenth time, groups from around the world will create local events using open data in their communities.  It is an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business and civil society.

Mini-grants are on offer for the following key areas:

  • Environmental data
  • Tracking pubic money flows
  • Open mapping; and
  • Data for equal development

To register an event or apply for a mini-grant https://opendataday.org/.

Here’s the full line-up of invited speakers for C3DIS (Collaborative Conference on Computational and Data Intensive Science) – 16-20 March – Melbourne.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Annie Burgess, Lab Director – Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP).
  • Christine Kirkpatrick, Head of Research Data Services Division – San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC).
  • David Abramson, Director – UQ Research Computing Centre.
  • Milan Petkovic, Head of the Data Science department – Philips Healthcare.
  • Matthew Harrison, Science Director Informatics – British Geological Survey.
  • Ivy Wong, Science Leader, CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science.
  • Mark J. Kiemele, President and CEO, Air Academy Associates.

Speaker Bios at http://www.c3dis.com/2020-invited-speakers.
Register now at http://www.c3dis.com/registration.

The 15th Plenary program is now available and the excitement is palpable as the keynote speakers are confirmed:  see https://rd-alliance.org/rda-15th-plenary-programme.  Dr Cathy Foley, the Chief Scientist for CSIRO, will present during the opening session, and Ms Priyanka Pillai, a specialist in research data stewardship and health informatics, will follow and talk about the role of data in responding to infectious disease outbreaks.

If you are still unsure about attending watch this highlights video (https://youtu.be/Xplae800pLM) from the last plenary in Helsinki and check out this infographic (https://www.rd-alliance.org/group/rda-australia/wiki/road-melbourne-how-get-most-out-plenary) to help you prepare for what is sure to be an amazing meeting.

Register today at https://www.rd-alliance.org/15th-plenary-registration.

Centre for Advance Imaging (CAI) Symposium 2020:  27-29 April

The Centre for Advance Imaging (CAI) Symposium 2020 – from microstructure to function, will be held on the St Lucia campus of the University of Queensland from 27 to 29 April 2020.  See https://cai.centre.uq.edu.au/cai-symposium-2020.

Direct enquiries to  viktor.vegh@cai.uq.edu.au.

The cost is free, but places are limited.  Register online by Friday 3 April at https://www.vision6.com.au/ch/54009/17yv4/2817541/boUYU7bgWm_xh55saitJae.OoW6L1Lx8mBtkLzjN-1.html.

In just over four years of service, originating as Galaxy Queensland and merging with Galaxy Melbourne to be part of the global usegalaxy* ecosystem, Galaxy Australia has developed as a significant resource for research using bioinformatics.

On 28 January the project passed a major milestone when a user triggered an analysis of their sequencing data – using deeptools_bam_coverage – to become the one millionth job run on this national service.

Late in 2019, funding for the expansion of Galaxy Australia was secured from the ARDC through the BioCommons Bring Your Own Data Expansion Project (https://ardc.edu.au/news/our-platforms-investment/).

To use Galaxy Australia go to:  https://usegalaxy.org.au/.

Together with 20 industry and agency partners, Federation University Australia’s CeRDI is undertaking Visualising Australasia’s Soils (VAS):  A Soil Co-operative Research Centre (Soil CRC) Cloud based research data federation.  is involves the development of an interoperable spatial knowledge system providing participants and the broader agricultural industry with access to data, information and knowledge on Australasian soils.  The project leverages established technologies developed by Assoc Prof Dahlhaus and the CeRDI team to federate data from disparate sources in both the public and private sector, making agriculture data more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR).

Pilot website at:  https://data.soilcrc.com.au/map/about.

Further information:

eResearch Jobs

AeRO provides details of the latest eResearch job opportunities in the sector.  Jobs are posted immediately to https://twitter.com/AeRO_eResearch, and the website at http://aero.edu.au/jobs/ is also updated.

This is a free service for the whole eResearch community – to advertise a position, simply email loretta@aero.edu.au.

Here’s a sample of current vacancies: Data Scientist Software Engineer, Cybersecurity Lecturer, Programmer/Analyst, Data Librarian, eResearch Analyst, eResearch Information Analyst, AURIN Outreach Manager, ARDC Outreach Director, Carpentries Executive Director, Biostatistician Research Officer, AAF Software Developer.


This newsletter is based on contributions provided by members of the eResearch community, and draws on news articles and newsletters published across the sector. The Newsletter is published around the 16th of each month.

Please send any contributions (max. 100 words, plus a link and image) or pointers to any other relevant articles or newsletters to editor@aero.edu.au

Archives of these Newsletters are held at http://aero.edu.au/newsletters/.
Click HERE to add yourself to the eResearch Mailing List.

—AeRO Newsletter Editor