#eResAU2018 was a record breaking event!
We were delighted to have a record number attendees (392 delegates, 104 exhibitor registrations, 252 workshop attendees, 65 day registrations, 170 registered students) – and a record number of program submissions, presentation acceptances and 14 workshops. There was also a significant increase in the overall quality of presentations this year.
Together with our sponsors, exhibitors, reviewers, session chairs, presenters and attendees, #eResAU2018 exceeded our expectations – a stellar lineup of international speakers, enthusiastic panel and BoF discussions, engaging technical presentations, insights into eResearch infrastructure and technologies, all supported by an engaging series of innovative networking opportunities.
A number of new initiatives introduced this year were also enthusiastically supported including ePosters, and broader secondary and tertiary student engagement activities, and helping develop future eResearchers via donations of Unicef maths kids in lieu of speaker gifts.
Reflecting on the success of #eResAU2018, it’s important to acknowledge was a collaborative effort by many people. I’d like to acknowledge Prof Paul Bonnington – Conference Chair for his leadership, ably supported by the Organising and Program Committees, and our conference organisers Conference Design. As always, the on-going support of our sponsors, exhibitors and attendees was crucial to the success of this event.